Dear Mister Stupidly of Braindead...
Dear Mister Stupidly of Braindead,
that genocide is not in my name;
starving babies to death,
your conscience won’t stain,
so I’m asking you, oh very nicely,
pretty please, will you bugger right off;
we’ll protest against murder,
we’ll protest ‘til it stops,
we’ll protest a lot further,
we’ll protest til the fucking penny has dropped,
we’ll protest a lot louder,
in our thousands and millions,
yes, we’ll cause more disorder,
pretty please, just bugger right off,
and when off you have buggered,
bugger off a lot more,
bugger off from the river
right up to the shore,
take a very long walk
along a short plank,
and at the white cliffs of Dover
bugger off over.
M.C. Newberry
Sat 2nd Mar 2024 13:41
The British were amenable to any mandate over "Palestine" and "Israel" being dealt with the The League of Nations, who
declined the responsibility and it went back to the British to cope with. It is a moot point about historical claims to right of
occupancy of the land involved and that has been the bone of
contention ever since. Britain herself paid a price with her
service personnel kidnapped and murdered by the hard-line
Jewish supporters of "Israel"...arguably driven by the reality of
the horrors that emerged from WW2 and determined that they
would not be driven themselves from land offically allocated
for their use by an international post-WW2 situation and