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Ode to a Pig

Another tribute most deserving

In keeping with a previous serving

Of insight, knowledge and understanding 

About various creatures and their standing

This time, the humble pig:


Yes your piggy may have gone to market

Or stayed at home for a change

But that was only in a nursery rhyme 

Just fiction in the main


For the pig is a thing of great beauty

Although maybe some wouldn't agree

As they see it as a means to an end 

For breakfast, dinner or tea


In your case oh highly intelligent one

Paying homage to you and your kin

To live and behave the way you do

Most certainly is no sin


You are sociable and understanding

In everything that you do

Having no clear culinary preferences Domesticated creatures are you


Descendants of the boar or hog

Most pigs are proud and worthy of

All have well developed hearing

But your smell may not be so appealing


Communicating by squeal and grunt

The weaker young one being a runt

A billion porkies in a world thats big

So nobody's worried if they lose one pig


In closing oh most eminent mammal

It's no surprise you're a popular animal

Not only for your chops and bacon

But for medical research and operations





         (Well only till we need to kill it)


◄ Ode to a Toad

This Silent Landscape ►


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