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This Silent Landscape

A beach, calm seas, blue sky

Seagulls gliding in the morning mist

Migrant starlings circle overhead in groups

As fish swim naively in the shallow waters


Early morning walkers tread the sand dunes

A circuit they’ve walked many times before

Health and fitness being top of their agenda’s 

No stiff sea breeze to deal with this new day


Volunteer litter pickers share from flasks

as cleanliness matters in this small town

It’s mainly tourists who leave calling cards

But flotsam and jetsam also needs removing


A main road, busy traffic, grey skies

Pigeons scavenging the yards and alleyways

Loose dogs roam in packs, hungry, angry

The few who work, scamper through the streets,

anxiously looking over shoulders


Hooded men, stand sentry over their pitches

waiting patiently for their clients to surface

Smells of cigarette smoke and urine dominate

Smiles on faces are at an absolute premium


Contrasting scenes, times and places

As if two worlds collided in space, revealing each

of their truths.  Lives and culture poles apart

but similar, in that each landscape screams

out in its own unique silence. 


◄ Ode to a Pig

Alive to your Feelings ►


Holden Moncrieff

Thu 19th Sep 2024 15:02

A fascinating poem, Rick, very rich in imagery. I really loved the stanza😊

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 18th Sep 2024 11:56

Bless the volunteers!: litter pickers, RNLI, Mountain Rescue name it! They put the grifters thieves and leeches in Gov't to shame. The UK would grind to a halt without them.💓

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