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Alive to your Feelings

A very long time ago

you thought you were alive

Did everything you could

In order to survive

That may have meant

doing the right thing

Even wearing a wedding ring

You were very much in love

so it didn’t really matter


Securing a steady job

Earning more than a few bob

The usual things follow

Like children, responsibility

All the highs and lows of life

crammed into many years

Yes there were tears

but joy always followed pain


But you may have been given

a chance to live your life again

Circumstances can change

and just like the rain

it can refresh and revitalise

Then what may seem like the end

can be a season like spring

New shoots evolving, growing

Looking at life through

another perspective

Enjoying those things

once entrapped by circumstances

But now breaking free

with a completely new enthusiasm


Yes you were alive of course

For better or worse

But this doesn’t mean

you have to ‘die’ now it’s distant

Instead it’s time to live, laugh, cry

Just the same as before

But within a new beginning

bringing new thoughts, friends

interests, love and just…

Being alive to your feelings


◄ This Silent Landscape


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