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Nothing in life comes easy to me

It’s a struggle to try and break free

From the chains that hold me tight

And further enhance my plight.

Everything I do just holds me down

I can’t have a smile, only a frown

To decide just like that

Would just bring me even more crap

I think carefully before I do wrong

But I am just singing the same old song

I don’t understand why it is so hard

Why do I behave like a total retard?

Common sense has completely eluded me

Stupidness I have in an abundancy

The will to make better and improve

Makes no difference because it cannot be smooth

The ability to laugh and be normal

Cannot happen because its so formal

No one ever notices me

As my mistakes run unaided and completely free

So do I really want the chains to break

If a chance came along

Would I be able to take?


Nataiella 1996.

◄ Blade in my Hand

Devils Hand ►


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