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Tobani / Nataiella

Updated: 12 hours ago

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These are the ramblings of a crazy old mind, written from the heart and with honesty. I understand not all things i write about are of a pleasant nature, but these are about my life and observations. I have been writing since i was a young child, as it has always been the only way i feel safe saying how i really feel. I have recently retyped my older ones and thought it be good to give some of them a public airing. Even if you do not like the subjects i write about, i hope you can understand the story behind the poetry.

Normal Child

Normal Child Explain to me, i am a little confused Why is it always me who cannot choose Other people always decide what i am going to do How it effects me is never really thought through I have no input into anything anyone decides They do not listen, however loud i shout or cry Is it any wonder they are dark thoughts i hide Because all i really want, is to be a normal child Nataiella 2009.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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