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Meanwhile, in Ukraine

What are we fighting for?

Ukraine will win this war.

By gambit or caprice,

Ukraine will live in peace.


Though enemies have tried

To dent a nation’s pride,

Their onslaught is defied.

Ukraine will win this war.


Though cities crash and burn,

The displaced will return,

And conflict will adjourn.

Ukraine will live in peace.


For freedom will prevail

And tyranny will fail;

The foe will turn its tail.

Ukraine will win this war.


The ones who win this fight

Will be those in the right,

Who fend off the dark night.

Ukraine will live in peace.


Soon, as our spirits soar,

Ukraine will win this war,

And angry days will cease;

Ukraine will live in peace.



◄ My Enemy


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 19th Sep 2024 10:10

I can only agree with what you say, David,
"...the complexities of geo-politics in that region have been agitated by the west for its own percieved projected reward, whilst providing calculatedly measured support."

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Graham Sherwood

Thu 19th Sep 2024 10:03

Bullies will always be beaten, often by those sympathetic to the bullied, sometimes even by their own associates!

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David RL Moore

Thu 19th Sep 2024 08:24

Hi Stephen,

I enjoyed your poem.

Some might suggest that for years prior to the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine, western Intelligence agencies (primarily of US origin) together with politically engineered multinational, yet seemingly independent think tanks have exploited the fragility of the relationship between Ukraine and Russia. Their purpose being to bleed the latter of its perceived authority and invite instability in the region.

Should US and western intentions prevail and The Ukraine regain any measure of sovereignty just what form might it take? One diluted by the mass influx of western corporate organisations, one overly influenced and manipulated by those who believe they deserve some kind of reward for having stood by Ukraine in its hour of need (which is arguably nonsense)

Whilst I condemn unwarranted Russian aggression and the indiscriminate nature of its murderous assault, the complexities of geo-politics in that region have been agitated by the west for its own percieved projected reward, whilst providing calculatedly measured support.

Russia fears the influence of western commerce and society on its borders. It also craves domination over its own people as it so often has (that is indeed part of its own recent history of repugnant and returning totalitarian rule)

Of course any reasonable person would wish Ukranian sovereignty to prevail. I would question what will be the cost of such independence for its people and their culture?

I unreservedly respect the questioning nature of your poem Stephen and concur with its hopeful tone. I truly hope the west supports a free, liberated Ukraine when it is victorious. I hope it does so for the sake of the Ukranian people and not solely its own profiteering agenda.

I am also motivated by a desire that the needless slaughter of Ukranians and Russians alike ceases as soon as possible.

I appreciate that this is a poetry site and not a political forum. However, poetry is to provoke and open channels of discussion, in that regard I make no apologies for indulging its true purpose.

We can only hope that Ukraines victory is their's alone and any hard won freedom is not subjected to the rabid exploitation of a nations assets, demonstrably the Modus Operandi of too often hidden powers behind western thrones.


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 18th Sep 2024 07:38

Thank you Stephen, for your poem and for your efforts in promoting peace.
Unfortunately, there's billions of $s and £s to be made from provoking / promoting (manufacturing consent for war) for the benefit of the arms trade.
It's reckoned that about 40% of ALL financial fraud and corruption in "business" directly involves the Arms Trade, so don't let's look too closely at what's going on in our own back yards eh!

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Stephen Atkinson

Tue 17th Sep 2024 22:37

Like Graham says, Stephen, it could be an anthem- one of many you have brilliantly written in support of Ukraine & ultimately, the freedom of us all. You are a true poet Mr Gospage! 👏

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Stephen Gospage

Tue 17th Sep 2024 21:42

Thank you very much, Graham, for your very kind comments. We have to believe that Ukraine will win, otherwise tyranny and dictatorship will prevail, which is unthinkable. If the courage and resilience of the people was the only factor, it would be no contest, but they need our support.

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Graham Sherwood

Tue 17th Sep 2024 21:22

We certainly hope these words will ring loud and clear Stephen. Reading this through a second time it began to sound like an anthem! Well done my friend. G

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