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My Enemy

Maybe my enemy enjoys a joke,

When seated round a table with his mates.

I can believe that he’s a decent bloke,

Except when the demand of war dictates.


Perhaps he likes his football at weekends;

His mother might still bring his cup of tea.

Yet now it’s captured land that he defends,

And if he’s ordered he will shoot at me.


Our paths may well have crossed when we were young,

If I had lived close to him as a boy;

We would have played as morning bell was rung

And fought over the same cheap childhood toy.


We could have lived next door and been best friends,

And sworn devotion in a blooded oath.

But in a battle soldiers meet their end;

One of us may succumb today. Or both.


◄ Time

Meanwhile, in Ukraine ►


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Stephen Gospage

Sat 14th Sep 2024 16:21

Thank you so much, Rasa.

And thanks to John, Tim and Auracle.

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Rasa Kabaila

Sat 14th Sep 2024 09:12

I love this Stephen. I ponder on a lot of this too. Great writing as always. Best wishes, Rasa

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 13th Sep 2024 14:38

Thank you, Trevor. Yes, war is an awful zero-sum game, with ordinary people used as expendible pawns

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Trevor Alexander

Fri 13th Sep 2024 13:10

A sad indictment of our race, indeed. Wikipedia lists 21 current ongoing armed conflicts that have caused 1000 or more deaths in this or last year! And the even sadder fact is that, as you describe, the front-line troops often have no animosity to their opposition - they just point weapons as they are directed.

A genuinely thought-provoking piece Stephen.

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 12th Sep 2024 08:23

Thank you, Graham and M.C. Yes, I think 'futile' is the word, Graham. A fascinating story about your granddaughter - let us pray that her generation will have more sense. I believe that they will.
War usually comes about because strongman leaders think they can get away with it, and ordinary people on both sides pay the price. Its important to say that the responsibility for death and destruction lies with those who started the war, not with the country which is forced to fight back and defend itself.

And thanks to Manish, Rick, Nigel, Aisha, Hélène, Steve, Tom, Stephen A and Holden for liking this.

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 11th Sep 2024 16:42

War has always been a feature of humanity's existence, more's the pity. It can be argued that there are "necessary wars" and
that better things come from them. The tragedy lies in the
ongoing variety of reasons for their start, often clashes of
individual interpretations about "rights" and land-grabbing envy,
not forgetting religious dogma, creating the aggression that
follows the desire to succeed in dominating others. And so it
goes on. As the song asks: When will we ever learn?

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 11th Sep 2024 09:03

Very poignant Stephen. My 10-years old granddaughter came home from school absolutely astounded that in WW1 on Christmas Day the opposing sides played football and swapped cigarettes before resuming hostilities the next day!!!
Your poem reminded me how futile all this bloody mess has become.

Bravo as always my friend


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