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When You Are Old.

When You Are Old.

When you are young, life seems so long.

When you are old you wonder where the years have gone.

You reflect on what you failed at and what you achieved.

Whether any successes in life's long mystery.

Were the fights worth the effort and energy.

Do you have any memories that make you happy.

Do you think you might have started out on the wrong foot.

Or was your destiny already written in God's book.

If you could, would you turn the clocks back.

If you had another chance, would you take a different track.

Are the decisions you made so set in stone.

Or would, if possible, you wish some of them could be undone.

Do you miss the loved ones you have lost on your troubled days.

Are there parts of you that thinks maybe you could have done things in a different way.

Or does the shame of failure stop you looking back.

You just think it happened, so that is that.

Maybe it's because you could never face the past that keeps you awake at night.

The endless failures remind you; you just didn't get it right.

Regret so many, pain runs deep, the nightmares ensure there is no peace.

The good thing about being old, is that you are so much closer to your final sleep.

Tobani August 2024.

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