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My Step-Mum Has Passed Out Again

My Step-Mum Has Passed out Again.


She is passed out drunk on the settee again.

Another night another boyfriend.

I tried to help her to bed up the crooked stairs.

Don't know why I'm bothering; she doesn't …….. care.

Hearing things that should not be heard by a nine-year-old boy.

She will be in bed all day until this evening where again any man she will be willingly receiving.

The 9-year-old father will try to look after his half-sisters for the rest of the day.

After I have cleaned up and thrown all the empty bottles away.

I tell them that their mum is in bed and feeling quite sick.

I cannot tell them yet again she is completely pissed.

I try to make it as normal a day as possible for them.

It's all we can do as we are neglected children.

I don't know why social services let us all live here.

My sisters would have a much better and safer life if they were in care.

Nataiella (1975).

Childhood memories

◄ Take My Wife Away

So Confused (What`s Going On) ►


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