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Cereal To Eat

Cereal to Eat.

There is a different man from yesterday sitting at our breakfast table

Touching, kissing on stepmum and eating our cereal

Maybe she didn't tell him that's all we have to eat for the day

I am sure once he has got what he wants like all the others he will be on his way

Another young man who passes through our house at night

She chases his manhood and pushes us all to one side

We will clear the bottles later and try to tidy our home

When she will be back in the pub again leaving us once again alone

I tried to look after my half-sisters the best a nine-year-old can

While she is flirting and getting drunk with any and every man

I know there will be many men at our table over the coming weeks

All I can hope for, is they leave us some of our cereal to eat.


Nataiella (1975).


This about my step-mum whose many men used to eat our cereal, and that is all we had to eat.

childhood fears

◄ Cool Dude

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