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Is This What British Media Has Become-A Bigot-Filled Sewer?

Twittering twattery


Pissed up on winery

Our Haty Katery,

Twittering blithely,


Twattering, spluttering,


Twattering splattering,

Odiously shittering,

Hatefully mongering,

Twattering blithely,

Is he gaytery?

Asks Haty Katy

He must be-ery!

Says Haty Katy,

He seems gay-ery,

Says Katy on Twattery

Says she would bet on it,

He dresses gay,

Says Katy Hate,

His outlook is gay,

Says Katy Hater,

Prob’ly gay,

Must be gay,

That’s the rumour,

Says Katy Hatery.

Please look at me-ery

Pissed as a fartery

In my leopard skinnery.



◄ Limerick [Final Solution]


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Stephen Gospage

Sun 29th Sep 2024 17:23

Well done, Uilleam. There's a lot of it above, and soon the boy Gove in charge of the Spectator....

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