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Queen of our Land (she was a Mum to)

Queen of Our Land. (Family Troubles)


A woman who has authority control and total respect, had a large delinquent family and our ever-growing nation to protect.

A strict disciplinarian but guided by strong morals and ethics, she possessed an abundance of humanity and kindness for those found to be less perfect.

Her eldest was a man who waited an eternity for his destiny in life, with the lady at his side one who encouraged him to cheat on his wife.

He loves his Mama and Papa very dearly and will do anything to keep the monarchy strong, even married a woman he did not love in order to deliver an heir to the throne.

She had a deceased daughter-in-law who still casts doubt, questions and shame across her family, who the nation believe was the perfect princess which is far from the reality.

No, she did bare the much-wanted heirs to the throne, she herself was quite happy to stray from home. To spend the night in a rich man's bed always claiming to be a victim.

Another son who's spent his whole life indulging in his own self-importance, engaging in affairs crooked deals and inept corruption.

Truly believes he is entitled to whatever is pompous self-righteous arrogant heart desires, who excelled being a horrible human being and a world class liar.

A man who easily mixes with corrupt sheiks, arms dealers and paedophile’s, has no shame, morals the from the truth would run 1000 miles.

He has probably given her more sleepless nights than the Second World War, and no doubt if she was still alive, he would be given her some more.

He fathered 2 grandchildren who have grown up with their father's belief in self-entitlement, any understanding of the values of the real world is completely absent.

He carries a lorry size chip on his broad shoulders that his children will never sit on the throne, he now spends his time banished from royal life, raging and festering at his paid for home, alone.

The next in line to the throne clearly the product of his father's first marriage, has a lot of his mother's looks and compassion yet has the father's personality and carriage.

A young man who is accepted he was born into a life of service and loyalty to a nation, served his country with pride and succeeded with his education.

Married a humble elegant lady who appeared to be born for each other, like his mother she has huge compassion and care for the sick and poor of our world and is also a dedicated loving mother.

He probably filled his nan's heart with immense pride, with all he has achieved, with her knowing that with him the throne is in good hands, would have put our mind at peace.

The original next in line turned out to be a completely different story a slightly unhinged young man wallowing in his own self-pity.

Who was born with every privileged child could ever want or need, only two I have had such a hard life he constantly bleats.

Strong suggestions in appearance and behaviour that his true father may not be known and could be the result of his mother the (Perfect Princess) playing away from home.

He has served his country in the military but by all accounts, not very competently, spent most of his younger days offending people an attending drug fuelled parties.

Eternally jealous that his brother is first in line to the throne, and constantly bleats about feeling a spare part and being left alone.

No interest or understanding what life is like outside his privileged world, and he became a true victim in his books he sold.

He wants all the privileges, the titles, the money, the security and the palaces, then spits out vile like he has been given a poisoned chalice.

He married a wannabe Hollywood star, who appeared in a show already but thought she was entitled to the stars.

He was hunted down, seduced and trapped by this merciless woman, her power-hungry ego driving her selfish ambition.

He being not quite as bright as he likes people to think, believed or her baloney and falsehoods and constantly ran to her defence.

She set up her target and snared him completely in her destructive web, from that point on because he cannot think for himself, she controlled everything that went on in his head.

Resulting in good old Nan paying for the fake princess's wedding she so desperately craved, wallowing and endorsing their delusions that they knew a better way for the Royals to behave.

A man who detested and blamed the media for the death of his mother and the way they behaved, had now married a publicity addict, whose driven ambition to ride rough shot over everybody to get to the top had now become a voluntary media slave.

They took the crowns, the titles and the millions from the family's wedding gifts, then decided the whole world was against them and under her direction got their passports and left.

Then she sharpened his knives so he could reveal all the royal secrets and stabbed his whole family in the back, while she broadcasts her lies, looked for a mansion and counted the cash.

One day when he grows a pair and crawls out from under the giant thumb, he might show some qualities and behave and act like his beloved mum.

So, you see the queen was a normal human being with the same family problems as the rest of us, she dealt with a conveyor belt of embarrassment, lies, backstabbing and public inquisition without making a fuss.

In the end she was probably glad to rejoin her husband and finally get some peace, let's hope the impeccable standards she set her son can meet.

As a nation we should be thankful for the lifetime of service she gave to our land, and as a nation we should raise a glass and say rest in peace and thank you ma'am.


Nataiella (2022).


dysfunctional familyRoyaltychildrenhumourQueen Elizabeth II

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Fri 4th Oct 2024 04:00

Thank You for the likes Aisha and Hugh

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