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Visit With A Friend

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I pulled up a seat at the bar we used to frequent,
ordered a couple of beers and wanted to know
how my friend had been.

“Kind of rough of late”, he offered. “Missing some friends
I didn’t know how to tell I was going away.”

“I get that.”, I said. “A lot of people don’t know how to say goodbye.”

Pulling us both away from the shadows around me,
we reminisced and shared a few laughs for a time
before I had to be on my way.

Settling my tab, the bartender glanced
at the untouched second beer and remarked,
“Looks like your friend didn’t make it.”

“No, no he didn’t, but I’m sure I’ll see him around.”
Stepping out into the truth of the late afternoon sun,
I resolved to check in with him from time to time.


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