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 Two hearts once beat, with love's sweet fire
Now reduced to ash, and a dull desire
To go through motions, day after day
In a marriage empty, with nothing to say

The flame that once burned, with passion's might
Flickers dimly, in the dark of night
No warmth, no light, no love to share
Just two strangers, with no love to spare

They sit together, yet worlds apart
Their hearts locked away, with a heavy heart
No gentle touch, no loving gaze
Just a hollow shell, of a loveless daze

They search for meaning, in a loveless space
But find only emptiness, and a lonely place
No laughter echoes, no tears are shed
Just a silence, that speaks volumes unsaid

In this loveless marriage, they slowly fade
Two hearts that once beat, now just a shade
Of what they once were, in a love so true
Now lost forever, in a loveless hue.

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