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The Great Escape ?

A farmer's son, with roots of discontent,
Yearns to unfurl, like a butterfly's bent.
Experience's compass, beckons him to roam,
"Leave the garden, and navigate the urban foam."

But little does he know, the city's undertow,
Conceals a riptide, that can pull him low.
Education's ladder, leans against the sky,
Exposure's maze, with paths that pass him by.

From village haven, to urban wilderness,
He leaps forth, with heart aflame, and tenderness.
No map guides, just a prayer to the wind,
"City, take me in, and mold my mind."

But fate's dark winds, howl through his soul,
Expenses ravage, like a merciless goal.
Survivability's test, he must face alone,
No lifeline casts, just a financial stone.

The city's mirage, a shimmering oasis bright,
Lures him with promises, of a better life's light.
But money withers, like autumn's leafless tree,
No increase in wealth, just dwindling spree.

Oh, Experience's double-edged sword,
How many souls, have you financially scarred?
And Exposure's charm, how many have you swayed,
To leave their humble nests, for an urban shade?

Heed this warning, ye who crave the new,
Experience and Exposure, come with a price anew.
Calculate the cost, before taking the leap,
Lest city dreams, turn into financial sleep.

For in the city's jungle, only the wise,
Survive the costs, and financial surprise.
So beware, young farmer's son, of the city's snare,
And think twice, before trading village air.

Experience's costly lesson, learned too late,
May leave you penniless, with a life to wait.
So weigh the costs, before making the move,
Lest city dreams, become a financial groove.

Now, heed the call, of wisdom's voice,
And balance dreams, with cautious choice.
For in the city's heart, a secret lies,
That only thrift, can financial surprise.

Listen well, to this cautionary tale,
And navigate wise, the urban gale.
Lest Experience's sword, cut deep and wide,
And leave you wounded, with a financial slide.

Epilogue: To the above ☝️
A wise farmer's son, with lessons learned,
Returns to village, with heart that yearns.
For simplicity, and peaceful nest,
He finds true wealth, in love and rest.

The city's allure, no longer deceives,
He sees the truth, in village leaves.
A lesson taught, to all who roam,
True wealth lies, in a peaceful home.

I hope you enjoyed the complete poem!


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