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The Luck of the Draw

You may have the misfortune to

Live upstairs from or right next door

To somebody they want to kill.

It’s not your choice; you have no voice

In whose blood they would like to spill.

And, being close, it could be you,

Who sees the bomb fall through their floor.

No one's fault. The luck of the draw.


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Stephen Gospage

Tue 8th Oct 2024 09:00

Thank you, Graham and Greg. It seems to be accepted that civilians who get in the way of bombs and missiles targeting someone or something else are just an inevitable, if unfortunate, element of warfare. 'Collateral Damage', as you say, Greg.
I agree that in such a situation it would be very difficult to contain one's anger or desire for revenge, Graham.

'No one's fault' in the last line is an expression of a sort of exhausted resignation. But the fact is that it is always someone's fault and resentment will endure for generations to come.

And my thanks to Nigel, Tom, Holden, Steve, Manish and Tim for liking this one.

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Greg Freeman

Mon 7th Oct 2024 07:25

Succinctly put, Steve. It's always been the luck of the draw, I suppose. Being an island was the main reason we held out against Hitler. But they say war is waged in a different way these days, too. They don't even talk about 'collateral damage' any more. It's just taken for granted.

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 6th Oct 2024 22:46

Although I hope I could never become so revengeful and angry to inflict such devastating wrath on someone, I have a feeling that if my family were hurt by anyone, I would find it quite easy. In itself a worrying thought

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