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The Last Supper

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They munch at scraps of bread

And gulp their meagre drink;

They borrow someone’s phone

To make one final call,

Then scrape up what he asks

To squeeze into the boat

And shiver as the sea

Sets out its fearsome stall.


◄ Hitting the Buffers


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Steve White

Thu 3rd Oct 2024 20:45

Thank you, Stephen.

The humanity of these godforsaken voyages is often lost in the clamour of populist dog whistles.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 2nd Oct 2024 17:34

And it is thus, that the dog-whistling politicians who loudly complain "This is a Christian country..." betray and crucify Jesus with every death.
They don't want to "stop the boats", because that gives them power over a population divided by hate.

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