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Hitting the Buffers

We don’t have much time; sooner or later

This planet of ours will hit the buffers.

By then weak excuses or fake facts won’t work,

Nor saying: ‘well, it’s always been like this.’

Hot air is no defence against the heat;

The war, unfought, starts to flex its muscles.


It seemed so different the last time round,

As smiling faces sauntered on the bridge,

Seeking the usual glimpse of paradise.

Sweltering, yes, but we had our sun cream,

Our aircon, hats, and bottles of water,

Just like the announcement said that we should.


Why did we think it would remain like this;

That looking on the bright side was the way,

That hope would bring us victory of sorts,

Or that inaction helps us to delay?

We had been told and knew the game was long;

We laughed off Armageddon. We were wrong.


climate change

◄ Langue de Bois


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 27th Sep 2024 19:34

The same swivel-eyed loon who once referred to Africa as “Bongo-bongo Land”,
who, in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, repeatedly insulted the president of the Socialists & Democrats group, Martin Schulz, by shouting the Nazi slogan “Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer",
who brought us the Titanic success which is Brexit, claimed 14 years ago, together with Nick Griffin, the British National Party leader, that climate change was a scam.
It would appear that his sympathisers are very much with us today.

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