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Financial Freedom / Self-Employment Vs Job

In the verdant jungle of commerce and gold,
Two destinies unfold, like a tale of old.
The sovereign beasts, unencumbered and free,
Roam, reign, and ravage, wild and carelessly.

Their coffers swollen, like a python's might,
They strike, they conquer, through day and endless night.
Financial freedom's fierce and untamed throne,
Where masters sit, and lesser mortals atone.

But, in the zoo of servitude and drudgery,
Caged souls languish, in penury.
Their days, a monotone of tedious toil,
As they exist, not live, with hearts that soil.

The keepers of fate, with ledgers and chains,
Enslave the dreamers, with interests and pains.
Their creativity, like a clipped wing,
Leaves them to pace, in a life that's not their king.

Oh, the ignominy! The travesty! The shame!
To trade one's freedom for a paycheck's name.
A Faustian bargain, where souls are sold,
For the fleeting comfort of a gilded hold.

But, still, the brave and bold will break the mold,
And shatter chains, like a phoenix of old.
They'll rise, they'll roar, they'll reign supreme,
In the jungle of wealth, where only giants dream.

Their footsteps echo, through the halls of time,
As they forge empires, and leave their prime.
Their legacy, a testament to their might,
A shining beacon, in the dark of night.

So, choose your fate, dear mortal, wisely,
To rule the jungle, or exist in the zoo's eyes.
Will you be master, or forever enslaved?
The choice is yours, in this financial crusade.

Will you succumb, or rise above the fray?
Will you be hunter, or the hunted prey?
The jungle awaits, with its treasures untold,
But only the brave will claim its gold.

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