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A rose on time, a gesture divine,
Outshines a thousand dollars, left behind.
For timing is the razor's edge of fate,
That separates the gentlemen from the late.

A thoughtful word, a considerate deed,
At the right moment, is worth more than creed.
But miss the mark, and even gold will tarnish,
Leaving only regret, like a withered garnish.

A birthday forgotten, an anniversary too,
Is like a poison, that relationship will imbue.
The price of procrastination, a love that's lost,
Can no amount of money, or apologies, have crossed.

A promise kept, a deadline met,
Is worth more than a kingdom, or a fortune bet.
For reliability is the cornerstone of trust,
And broken vows, like shattered glass, can never rust.

So don't boast of gifts, or grand displays,
If thoughtfulness is just a distant haze.
For a true gentleman knows, that timing is key,
To unlock the heart, and set love free.


◄ Financial Freedom / Self-Employment Vs Job

Tribute To Oscar Wilde's : The Nightingale And The Rose ►


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