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Me, Myself and I!

A world where every word's a boast,

A self-made legend, he believes he's the most.

God's gift, strutting in a glittering show,

Bigheaded and cocky, the center of his glow.


In love with himself, a mirror of pride,

Egotistical nature, nowhere to hide.

With every tweet, he grandstands, so proud,

Fortune-hunting dreams, he draws in a crowd.


Obsessed with his image, a self-absorbed king,

Looking out for number one, it’s all about bling.

Opportunistic moves, with a swaggering stride,

A dog in the manger, the ego won’t slide.


Selfish ambitions, feathering his nest,

Inward-looking vision, a life of excess.

Smug and conceited, he revels in fame,

Wrapped up in himself, playing a game.


Me, myself, and I, the mantra he sings,

A prima donna’s dance, where he pulls all the strings.

Greedy for power, drowning in pride,

Only cares for his gain, with no need to hide.


Vainglorious strides on a public stage,

A know-it-all stance, the world's in a cage.

Egocentric visions, with navel-gazing eyes,

Egoistical battles, with no room for allies.


So here he stands, in his ego trip,

A swollen-headed figure, losing his grip.

While the world spins on, with all its demands,

Trumpocentrism rules, held tight in his hands.

narcisissmego and vanityself-obsession

◄ The Colour of Madness

Silhouettes of Malice ►


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