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Day 25

i learned that opinions 
lead to punches, 



and nos lead to a 
forceful taking yes instead.



and sharing your experiences 
only give people information 
to judge you. 



to make you know that regardless 
of what you’ve been through the 
way you act is wrong. 



that you should have a 
hold on your emotions. 
and that your reactions should 
be the reactions of someone who is perfectly fine.

but you dont.



youre depressed half the year 
and the other half you just want 
the days to end quickly. 



and that isnt a way to feel. 
and what sucks most is these 
thoughts and memories came back
because i was agreeing too much. 



i was letting the man lead the way. 
i was asking too many questions, 
as to not do anything that would cause me harm. 



i was trying to protect myself. 
i was trying to stop anything before it began. 
i was trying… but i can admit i tried and failed.




remember someone has told you who they are 
and the destruction they can bring into your life. 



you decide whether or not you want 
to go backward instead of forward.


you decide.





◄ Day 24

Day 26 ►


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Nigel Astell

Fri 11th Oct 2024 08:09

The path forward

A human minefield
One wrong step
Can be fatal
The path forward
Yours to take
No matter what.

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