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"Atomic Kiss"

A deadly caress, nuclear arms entwine,
Fission's fiery grasp, fusion's tender design.
A steel-wrapped package, pride's disguise,
Concealing destruction, in fatal surprise.

But let us not be swayed by deadly might,
For love's pure flame, can banish nuclear night.
The NPT's vow, a beacon shines so bright,
Guiding us toward peace, and endless light.

Non-proliferation's call, echoes far and wide,
Cooperation's hand, reaches out to abide.
Sign and ratify, with urgent, heartfelt pace,
Securing our future, in a nuclear-free space.

For love's sweet sake, let nations unite as one,
Against nuclear threats, beneath the radiant sun.
A world without fear, where love's warm breeze blows,
Where children bloom, and hope's bright petals grow.

◄ Metamorphosis

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