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Liberal elites don’t have a clue about the white working class.” The Washington Post

White privilige
what a joke
we occupy space
some days we hang on
by our finger tips

Scared to look down 
or up or to the side
we hide from ourselves

Some days we hover
on a magic carpet
of hope 
that things will finally get better.

That our Rita will be offered a council flat
but the man says Afghan asylum seekers
come first, you’ll get your turn
but don’t hold your breath.

Maybe wee Joe’ll find a place at a good school
but the man says they’re all over-subscribed
folk from the private estate down the road
grab the places.
Little Joe’ll survive, but he won’t thrive.

Gran needs an op to save her life
it’s been cancelled twice
she’s given up trying to see the doc,
she hopes she’ll be lucky. or, maybe, not.

Hard times, private affluence, public poverty,
No kindness, no empathy, no opportunity: 
“Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number-”












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Steve White

Wed 16th Oct 2024 19:37

Crikey, this is confusing. You start off punching down then end up punching up, quoting a poem about the Peterloo Massacre and a song about an Irish contingent of the International Brigade.

With you on political reform but, hey, you got 99 problems but being white ain't one.

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 16th Oct 2024 19:00

We are beset by a generation of politicos who clearly believe
their first duty is to the world and its dog rather than their own
people and their many increasingly relevant concerns. If we can't
look after our own it is grotesque to presume we have a duty to
somehow look after others. Even the Bible tells us to remove the
mote from our own eye before attempting to do the deed for
someone else! Simple logic. But don't expect that from today's
political posers.

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