The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Take Off Your Shoes Before Entering The Temple

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Hi, my dear friends!

Please, help, if you can.

       I don't know what to do. I can't post anything, but I can write something here. Who will tell me what to do? I addressed it to Paul but he hasn't answered yet.

I can post only the picture and the title of the poem. When I tried to post the poem I failed.

     With warmest wishes, Larisa


P.S. This is the only way I can post my poems now. So, please, read it in the comments. And if you have a wish leave your comment.

         Regards, Larisa




◄ I Am One Of Those ...

I Pray For All My Friends Around The World ►


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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 19th Dec 2024 19:24

Dear Freda!
I've just done the same as you recommended. And I did it many times. But this time something went wrong.

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Freda Davis

Thu 19th Dec 2024 17:11

I copied my poem from a word doc then in Profile where it says add blog I clicked on it and pasted my poem using Ctrl v which worked. I hope this helps. Freda

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 19th Dec 2024 14:57

They judge me loudly without knowing me.

They gossip about me having fun.

And only then after hearing my words

They begin to praise me as the dear one.

Having poor imagination

They teach me how to live.

What a frustration they get

When the real truth I give.

Take off your shoes before entering the Temple,

The soul of a man should be the light.

To have a sincere heart is so simple,

Such a heart can shine bright even at night.

Some try to get into your soul and advise,

The less people know the more they judge.

They don’t understand that I have my eyes.

And my imagination is rather large.

For example, I don’t like the gray sky,

But I never blame the weather.

Even if I meet troubles I don’t cry,

We shall overcome them together.

Don’t judge! And you won’t be judged.

After all, everyone has his own opinion.

Accept people as they were created,

Let everyone’s life be his own dominion.

Don’t argue as it gives birth to anger.

The one who is poor in his thought

Show you only his middle finger.

Without being afraid to be caught.

©Larisa Rzhepishevska

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