The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Emptiness Is In My Soul Today,

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Dear friends!

       I have the same problem. I can't post my poems. So, be so kind and read it in the comments. It is the only place I am allowed to write.


◄ Sixty Is Not The Age To Worry

Happy Thoughts For The Coming New Year ►


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Sat 28th Dec 2024 02:45

"My heart is wounded but I go on flying" moved by determination love this!💪❤

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Fri 27th Dec 2024 11:35

Emptiness is in my soul today,
The whole world has turned away.
Hypocrisy decided to stay,
On my feelings, you choose to sway.

Litters were thrown into my heart,
My feelings were cruelly broken.
One said that he couldn't live apart.
The second feedings have just awoken.

They all tried to be the best,
They whispered kind words,
They said my life would be the fest,
I'll hear only the songs of birds.

I listened to these rubbish things,
And for some reason began to cry,
They all tried hard to look like kings,
And attempted to have another try.

They tempted me but I could bear.
I forgave them and came for help.
About the rest I didn't care,
The rest I could do myself,

I had to cut my tasty apple pie,
I treated everyone around.
Someone was afraid to die,
Someone's conscience was found.

My heart is wounded but I go on flying,
I am hovering above the ground.
I see the other souls and hearts trying
Their right door is to be found.

Even if they break me down
My torment heart without hesitation
Will come to a beautiful lawn
As the last and most reliable station.

©Larisa Rzhepishevska

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