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A knotty Ash Boxing Day Secret!!


Strange goings on in Doddy Towers…number3.

A disguised man moved, but he didn’t fool me!

He was a big man, very jovial man, he’ll fit in well.

But was he young or old, it was impossible to tell?

He had a very infections laugh, it came with a roar.

And I can vouch for that, because I live next door!

He was a well built man, politely I’ll say ‘well fed’!

‘I love Knotty Ash’ were the first words that he said.

My suspicions about my neighbour began to grow.

When his chuckle muscles heaved a huge ‘Ho Ho Ho’

His beard was silver in colour, round specs he wore.

He carried his belongings in a red sack, nothing more!

He had just been to Sainsbury’s and I tell you no lies.

His shopping bag was crammed full of mince pies!

He said he’d travelled the world and needed a break.

His accent was Scouse, but it sounded forced and fake!

He said he’d been very busy and needed his sleep.

Then laughingly he added…‘my secret can you keep’?

His words came with a tap of the nose and a wink.

As he tried to hide his long beard, it made me think!

Eventually, in my head, I put together two and two.

And I came to the conclusion, that it must be true!

Yes, it finally dawned on me, this being Boxing Day.

Santa loved Knotty Ash so much, he decided to stay!

So if you see this man in Knotty Ash, out and about.

Let’s keep his secret safe…and never let it out!

Knotty Ash is such a magical place, that’s well known.

That’s why Santa has chosen it to be his new home!!


◄ A Knotty Ash Christmas Wonderland 2024

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 3rd Jan 2025 12:39

Hey Santa, It's you isn'i' !
We know where you live now!
Dey do believe in you; dey do dough, don't dey dough!

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