As she walks down the hall she hears the clunk, clunk, clunk
She shakes her shoe and feels something move underneath the sole of her foot
She turns the key, takes a large breath and unlocks her office and enters the dark room
She removes her shoe and pours the pebble into her hand
She turns it back and forth examining it before setting it in her pocket
She goes about her day, her phone rings and as she hangs up she finds another pebble on the floor adding it to her pocket
She looks at the time, rushing to throw everything in her bag to get to the next meeting
She yells out to her team shes leaving as they yell back to wait handing her a rock
Confused, but late, she puts it in her pocket and runs to the car
As she is pulling out, her email dings and her wipers make a screech
She jumps out and removes the large rock from her wiper blades, another in her pocket
At the next location she is given even more rocks, each becoming larger; these she adds to her bag
Before she knows it the weight in her pockets and bag is pulling her down, it is so heavy
She keeps finding them and continues to hold them, to carry the weight
Soon the weight pushes against her chest, harder and harder
Breaths are less frequent, but she continues to hide the rocks wherever she can so nobody can see her strength weakening
She doesn’t dare give the weight of the rocks to anyone else, instead she holds her shoulders up and walks on
She slows down with each step and hears something in the distance
She continues to travel until she makes it to a wall, a cliff above the road
The sound she heard before is now deafening and she can no longer control her breathing
Rocks begin falling down the wall, one, two, three
They crash with a bang, she cannot run, she cannot get the rocks out of her pockets, it is too late
She attempts to hold her stance, yet unsuccessful, she falls to the ground with the now boulders exploding around her
She doesn’t dodge them, she lets them take her
All they would know of her is how she let the rocks get the best of her, she wasn’t strong enough to hold the problems the handed her
She let her team down, she couldn’t lead by example as she couldn’t even breath, she became a part of the rockslide