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Malicia Picks Up The Pieces

Malicia picks up the pieces


As any strong human being,

Malicia, now capable of love

and with the strength of human resilience

picks herself up again.


Yes, the Here&Now is incredibly daunting;

confrontational, and also slightly dysfunctional?! (If I may so)


How can we allow Humanity’s growth?

If we can’t allow Humanity’s wellbeing?


As such, Malicia picks up the pieces again.


And then there’s Rageghost, the foremost.

Picking up, one of the pieces

that he’s shattered in her life.


Saying: ‘Sorry’

Writing: ‘Sorry’

Typing: ‘Sorry’


‘We were so wrong’


Malicia Picks Up The Pieces

◄ Malicia Laments Humanity

1+1=2 ►


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