The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 35 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

The GOP's Spiral: From Grace to Grime

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This poem wants to explore the transformation of the Republican Party (GOP) from its days of moral and political leadership—abolishing slavery, defending civil rights, and promoting national unity—to its modern iteration, marred by populism, greed, and divisive rhetoric. Through examples like Lincoln, Eisenhower, and Reagan, it contrasts past accomplishments with today’s corrosive trends, embodied by figures like Donny(brook) Disaster T-Rump, whose chaotic influence has reshaped the party into a vehicle for self-interest and conflict.

The party once of Lincoln's stead,
With dreams of union, firmly led,
That freed the slaves and steered the land,
With justice strong and guiding hand.

It fought for rights, both firm and fair,
To build a nation proud and rare.
The trust of citizens its creed,
A noble call to serve and lead.

But now its roots are choked by spite,
Its noble aims consumed by blight.
Its statesmen swapped for sycophants,
Their speeches filled with shameful chants.

Reagan spoke of shining heights,
A land of dreams and hopeful sights.
Now grifters thrive and hawk despair,
While wealth and power claim their share.

Trump's henchmen roar with thoughtless creed,
Their only aim, their boundless greed.
They mock dissent, they scorn the wise,
While truth before them crumbles, dies.

Gone are the days of Eisenhower,
Who warned of greed and misuse of power.
The party that once built the way,
Now tears it down in disarray.

From justice’s halls to tragic ends,
This name debased by shameless trends.
What once stood proud has lost its way,
A hollow shell where truth won’t stay.

O RINO*, they disdain your call,
Yet you remain the best of all.
For courage lies in hearts unbowed,
Not bluster thick, nor cheering crowd.

According to many observers, the ‘Grand Old Party’ has become an institution tailored to Trump - dissent is labelled ‘RINO’, Republicans in name only. This means that dissenters are not real Republicans, e.g. Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Nikki Haley et al.


politicspoetryGOPLincolnReaganDonny Disaster T-RumpRepublican Partypolitical historycritiquecorruption

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Rolph David

Sun 19th Jan 2025 13:29

thank you for your "like".

Rolph David

Sun 19th Jan 2025 13:28

Hello Uilleam,
Yes, how billions of our contemporaries do not even begin to realise the seriousness of the situation, of various processes. Or they are masters at repressing and or don't realise it. Long live the weak-minded, for they live their mindless lives without a care in the world!
And the Brexit trauma reverberates... I can see it in many of your lines.
Nevertheless - despite all the chaos that will unfold over the world tomorrow, have a great Sunday!
Best wishes,

Rolph David

Sun 19th Jan 2025 13:24

Hello Flyntland,
your statement that the poem is a very "uncomfortable read" does not speak in my favour. But these uncomfortable truths need to be put on the table, in the minds of the world who don't want to understand what tomorrow will bring. However, I can already guess what you meant by this statement - as the content is indeed nothing pleasant to read.
Nevertheless, thank you for your comment.
Have a nice Sunday.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 19th Jan 2025 11:29

Indeed, Rolph.
Trouble is, when those criminals and con-men say: 'jump',
the UK's sycophantic boot-lickers ask:
'how high?'

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Sun 19th Jan 2025 10:49

I am shocked by this progression from morality to immorality, stability to instability, love to hate, honesty to dishonesty—and not just in the U.S.
This poem is very uncomfortable reading.

"For courage, lies in the hearts of the unbowed" has always been true and maybe in time sensibility will take over and worldwide unity will be achieved

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