Lessons for life and love
To sustain love,
make communication your key
understand that it's not just you
But you and me.
Our two sides to one perspective.
Neither is more nor less valid
Both effective,
Shows our overriding kindness.
Should we wander off course, let's let
love, remind us
Glib promises
overambitiously made
create uncalled-for resentment
and barricades
Good intentions
without work, can turn malignant,
Be honest, have the ambition
of commitment
Bolster contrast
Endeavour not to change the view
As years progress, you may find that
It's what you do
Pernicious jibes
Become magnified over time
Suddenly finding loved ones are
Unvoiced in mime
Have awareness
where two opinions diverge
Don't be fooled into challenging
attempt to merge
Talk through disputes
silence only breeds discontent
Better be so
rry together,
then alone: Spent
Russell Jacklin
Sun 19th Jan 2025 13:06
Thank you for your kind comments, much appreciated, I wrote this as a reminder to myself of the way relationships should be rather than the way I do them, my good lady would most of the time want the poet living with her rather than me. She lives in hope of an epiphany.