The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 35 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.



These fine men

are British through and through,

they know when to doff their caps

and what is more ------ who to.

They're famous for their quad bikes,

their terriers, nets, and sacks,

with wooden crates both fore and aft

and bait bags on their backs.

As masters of their craft

they'll work both night and day,

enabling the 'Masters'

to indulge in make-believe play.

The 'Masters' dress as hunters

in tailored uniforms,

they ride out on their horses,

with hounds - and whips - and horns.

When a fox is clearly wanted,

to be chased - and caught - and killed,

it's the terrier men who bag them,

- - - -   release - - - -

the need is then fulfilled.


                                            It makes 'Masters' very happy

                                                   to see hot blood being spilled.



Having seen an ariel view of a group of terrier men and a child capturing a live fox in its earth, using nets and dogs - bundling it up tightly and pushing it into a big wooden box strapped to the back of a quad bike - I could not settle for the horror of it. Nothing - but nothing deserves to be killed in this way.   It is heartbreaking.  Unfortunately, faces were covered and registration plates could not be seen.  




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Tue 28th Jan 2025 17:31

Stephen A - Stephen G and Aisha, many thanks for reading and liking - it is a disturbing subject but one where the truth should be right out in the open.

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Stephen Gospage

Tue 28th Jan 2025 17:09

A great poem, Flyntland. Like others, I've heard all the Barbour-jacketed waffle, but this is just despicable cruelty.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Mon 27th Jan 2025 09:08

Concerning foxes: the argument attempting to justify the ritual delighting in brutality and blood lust as a method of so-called “pest control” is a bogus one.

In recent years, foxes have been deliberately bred in artificial warrens throughut northern and southern England, to provide victims for their blood sport.

Good news though, concerning birth control of grey squirrels. Numbers of the non-native, and disease-spreading grey squirrel in the UK have been curtailed; whilst increased numbers of red squirrels have been recorded in Yorkshire; but whether that is directly due to birth control, I don’t know.

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Sun 26th Jan 2025 17:39

David Thank you for your response I agree that a degree of management is needed, but it does not always necessitate killing, I believe that the French experimented with birth control for foxes some years ago. I don't know what the outcome was but I am sure more research could be done on that subject.
It is well known that if you kill a wild animal another one will take over that vacant territory so why not control the numbers but leave the foxes in situ?

I live in fox country, and we see and hear them regularly, I feel sure if more people saw them they would be surprised at how small they are.
I have lost chickens to the fox but it did not occur to me to blame anyone other than myself, I have not lost any lambs.

Thank you for the link - it is grim viewing but it should be out in the open and, like any other animal cruelty case, the perpetrators should be brought to justice and banned from owning or working with animals.

Steve, you are just so right why would a trail hunt need spades and terriers? and how many terriers are badly injured underground when a fox is fighting for its life? do they get treated by a vet or are they expendable?

Trail hunting will have to come to an end because of these twisted blood lusting sportsmen, and the genuine bloodhounds following the clean boot will be the losers because of them.

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Sun 26th Jan 2025 17:14

Thank you, RBK, Tom, and Branwell. It is not a pretty poem, and I did not expect a response, so thank you so much for reading and liking it.

Rolph, Thank you for your comment. I was not sure if I had expressed my anger and contempt strongly enough. For anyone to be capable of and enjoy such utter cruelty leaves me feeling sick with disgust. The fact that they were also teaching a child, and escape justice is just beyond understanding.

Uilleam, it is indeed what good men died for - freedom for all - what a tragedy it included the freedom to tear apart a living animal.
County of Kent - polite, well behaved, well spoken, well educated, well off, butter wouldn't melt, entitled.
Not so long ago they used to meet in my village - holding up the traffic flow on an A road in the most imperious manner, and swamping our woods with fast horses and a large pack of hounds. When they finally packed up I will swear that even our trees were shocked - the silence was unnerving.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 26th Jan 2025 09:43

Warwickshire by any chance?
They've been in the news in the last few weeks....nothing to see there, though...all wokey snowflakey scaremongering by the ignorant plebs!
Here in the north-west an elderly lady was knocked to the ground by a human...? on horseback....despicable arrogant scum.

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Steve White

Sun 26th Jan 2025 09:42

Thanks Flyntland.

It's remarkable that fox hunting still exists in this country, considering the ban, until you factor in class and power.

No need for terrier men on a trail hunt. I'm with David on this (and a fellow sab).

No surprise to anyone, Uilleam, that Farage supports the hunt.

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David RL Moore

Sun 26th Jan 2025 09:04

Excellent poem...please forgive the following chat on subject matter.

The sham of trail hunting should be disrupted as much as possible. I'm proud to support non violent Sabs and to be a member of their organisation.

I do believe in animal population control where necessary, although a responsible more considered management of the countryside might impact on numbers.

I despise cruelty and the sheer blood lust of chinless wonders.

Wreck the hunt!


PS, Before I am accused of arrogant towny hypocrisy, I would mention I am a vegan and have been for nearly four years now, I am also a lover of our countryside and respect the livelyhood of those who live and work in it.

Of course we all venture into hypocrisy being merely human, but all we can do is to try our best.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 25th Jan 2025 17:38

True patriots really need to unite in defence of those British values, Flyntland. Those freedoms are what we went through two world wars for...aren't they!

Nigella Farridge has got my backing; he sports a very nice line in flat caps, outdoor gear and expensive boots; real men of the people him and his mates.
Hang 'em, flog 'em and shoot 'em I say! Where's the Captain Mannerings of this world when we need 'em eh.

Rolph David

Sat 25th Jan 2025 17:32

Dear Flyntland,
Thank you for your impactful and deeply moving poem, which lays bare a horrifying reality with vivid clarity. Your words expose the cruelty and lack of compassion at the heart of these actions.
That fox hunting still persists in our modern world is a glaring sign of the degeneration of our civilisation. It reflects a disturbing erosion of empathy and respect for life. To treat a living creature as if its existence has no value, to deny its suffering or fear, is a brutal reminder of the darker sides of human behaviour.
Your poem is more than art; it is a powerful stand against this injustice. By giving a voice to the voiceless, you have highlighted a practice that demands urgent scrutiny and change. For this, I am deeply grateful.
With sincere appreciation and the hope that humanity will soon turn away from such cruelty,
have a nice evening,

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