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The Christian Kabbala of “William Shake-speare”

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The latest in my papers to appear on Google's Academia: The Christian Kabala of "Shake-speare", an Examination of the Allusions and Structures to the Rosicrucian, Cabalist and Alchemical Teachings in William Shakespeare’s Plays and Poetry.


We saw the tear, we saw the chasm of experience

In our time no one came to transubstantiate the grain

We thought we could even communicate

The pain of love that bound us all.

But we were dreaming, they were wide awake

In their nightmare daydream, still sleepwalking...

So we decided it was time to wake them up.


Oh, what a bad time we had of it;

Dealing with madmen, animals and innocence

Falling on our knees, praying for compassion

Seeking peace and understanding

Oh, what a bad time we had of it.


Falling into the vortex of ignorance and darkness

Dealing with insanity, beasts and children

Lying in our beds sexually conjoining

Falling on our feet, we made a quantum leap

Stronger than quantum mechanics could explain

We were seeking hope and glory

Oh, what a bad time we had of it.


But we endured, some of us even died

For it, but for those that remained

The challenge and the dream loomed large.

Far and wide, beyond all our anticipations,

In the end all colours fade away.


In the light all colours, all confusions fade

Like futile expectations ground to dust.

The love, still sleeping, bound us all as

We were entwined in the matrix of illusion.

We were no longer dreaming, we were wide awake

And the world was fast asleep, sleeping in its ocean

So we decided it was time to wake them up.


We grew horns and tails, we grew wings

And halos shining in the radiance of the sun

They were over-awed, and I think impressed

Yet thought they could restore the dream

Perhaps even improve our version of it.

In life or death we are invincible.

Christian KabalaWilliam ShakespeareRosicrucianismAlchemyGiovanni Pico della MirandolaSchool of NightOccult Science

◄ Shakespeare’s Coat of Arms


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