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The Fury of the Fragile

In The Fury of the Fragile, the clash between compassion and cruelty takes center stage. Inspired by Rev. Megan Budde’s call for mercy and Donald Trump’s harsh dismissal of it, this poem wants to explore the tension between empathy and rage. It paints a portrait of a leader who wields words as weapons but crumbles when confronted with the very kindness he scorns.

Budde called for mercy, kindness in the fight,
For those who fear the loss of all they know.
But Trump, unmoved, denied their need for right,
His fury grew where empathy should flow.

She spoke for those whose futures are unclear,
For children who in terror wake each day.
Yet Trump, enraged, dismissed their heartfelt fear,
And lashed at those who begged for mercy’s way.

He wields his words, but flinches when they strike,
His pride too weak to face what’s truly there.
He thrives in blame, but cannot stand the like
Of those who call for kindness, love, and care.

His rage is strong, but cannot take the call—
For mercy’s touch, he crumbles, one and all.

empathy vs. rageBuddeTrumpcompassionresistancecourage

◄ The Weight of Indifference


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