The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

Truth And Lies (With apologies to Bob Dylan)

How many times can a man tell a lie

before we lose sight of the truth?

How can we see him and still not deny

he’s simply too long in the tooth?

And how many years must we stand here and cry

because there’s no hope for our youth?


The whole situation’s a mystery to me

it’s all just a mystery to me.


How many people across this fair land

are really so wilfully blind?

How don’t they know that the fires that he’s fanned

mean our future has been undermined?

Yes and how much despair do we have to withstand

till they see they must all change their mind?


The whole situation’s a mystery to me

it’s all just a mystery to me.


On how many promises will he renege

before they will call him a fraud?

How won’t they see when his words are so vague

his logic is fatally flawed?

Yes and how don’t they grasp that he’s more like a plague

than some self-proclaimed demigod?


The whole situation’s a mystery to me

it’s all just a mystery to me.


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