Social Media Pat-A-Cake
By The Urban Poet
Facebook Facebook give me a poke
Send me a message from a handsome bloke
Make all my friends like my new lovely picture
Even the one tagging my ugly sister
Messenger Messenger help me survive
With one click may I now go live
Face to face with the lady of my dreams
On second thoughts make it someone
in their late teens
From my profile they can clearly see
there's no one else as connected as me
Some say I have a deluded mind
but through my page you take me as you find
Instagram Instagram upload my photos
Selfies and videos of me in some bolt hole
Plastering sun cream all over the place
No nasty moles wanted on my pretty face
Twitter Twitter please lend me a tweet
Assist me in making me cool and neat
Teach me about all things trending today
So I can keep all the trolls at bay
They'll think I'm an intellectual you see
So a very happy Twit now forever I'll be
From ‘100 More Reasons for Rhyme
By ‘Rick Varden 2023