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Split Personalities


By the Urban Poet

Innumerable characteristics 

Lots of quirks and traits

Moods, feelings, personas

Too many to contemplate 


Those stern faced and stoic 

Straight laced and serious

Po faced but laid back

Expressionless and curious


The gregarious, outrageous 

Unreserved but shy

Intriguing and mysterious

Easy on the eye


Bubbly and extravagant

Conscientious but neurotic 

The Introverted, extroverted

Intelligent or psychotic


Some open yet deceitful 

Cheerful but morose

With warmness and kindness

They’re personal and up close


The suspicious, cold and icy

Hot blooded and obsessed

The experienced and organised

Anxious or depressed


Unstable and destructive

Thick skinned but vulnerable

Spontaneous or perceptive

Resistant and unreasonable


Innumerable characteristics 

Lots of quirks and traits

Moods, feelings, personas

Too many to contemplate 

From ‘Poetry Gold’ by.’Rick Varden












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