Blind Date
By The Urban Poet
I’m late, I’m late
For a very important date
I don’t mind you see
If it’s a blind date or three
‘Cos I prefer not to know
What she looks like and so
I just turn up, give her a sultry look
and then hope for the best
(You can imagine the rest)
Now in my minds eye
She’s a looker, that’s why
I always prefer
to buy flowers for her
But I’ve had too many shocks
Like a girl with Botox
In every nook and cranny
Even around her...
(no not going for the rhyme on that)
They’ve turned up in shorts
In the freezing cold, told me they’re young
When really they’re old
enough to be my aunt
Others just sit there and flamin’ rant
drink me dry, then ask me why
I bothered to ask em out
When I’ve not got the clout I said I had
My profile indicated that I was a bad,
mean handsome rocker,
when in actual fact I’m an old unbold
geriatric shocker
Ah well you can’t win ‘em all
I can always go down the snooker hall
‘Cos being no fool, I could steal a cue
and make a living out of playing pool
It worked for Rod Stewart with Maggie May
he’s got a toy girl and eight kids
and lies on the beach all day
So stuff it that I’m late for my important date
Let her stand in the queue and flaming wait!
From ‘Rhymes and Reasons’
By ‘Rick Varden 2023