The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 50 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Serval in the Wetlands


By The Urban Poet

The bat eared predator of the savannah 

Over sized ears giving a distinct edge.

Gliding stealthily through undergrowth,

in the rich tangled grasslands, where

it’s prey can be heard but very rarely seen


Not having need to see it’s potential dinner

Using built in radar to guide it to its target,

it prepares to pounce.

A blind date of the wrong type for a poor unsuspecting rodent.


Slender, sly, medium-sized cat, characterised by small head,

huge antenna-like ears.

Golden-yellow coat, spotted and black striped.

Short, black-tipped tail following in line, the longest legs of any cat,

relative to body size.


Active by day as well as night, solitary tendencies, minimal social interaction.

Concentrating instead on carnivorous hunt,

Gigantic leap, landing on its forefeet...

The Serval in the wetlands, delivering

the final kill, with a silent but deadly fatal bite

Rick Varden 2018













◄ Blind Date



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