The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

My Honda Jazz...RIP

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This is the story of my latest cars demise.
It was a little old banger, so it’s no surprise!
And this morning my old Jazz wouldn’t go.
Will I miss my Honda Jazz…I don’t think so!

It had a rusty body, full of bumps and dents.
Every MOT caused me mounting expense!
It had a jammed window and a broken clock.
With temperamental doors that wouldn’t lock!

The screen wash container had a serious leak.
A new problem cropped up every passing week!
A Basil Fawlty branch moment, I could foresee.
For it to start today, Jazz ignored my every plea!

Listen Jazz, you let me down badly… Alex too.
So tomorrow its Merton’s Scarp Yard for you!
So it’s goodbye to my old Honda Jazz…RIP.
Haha…that means ‘Rot In Peace’ to you and me!


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