The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

By The Light Of The Moon

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I sometimes sit awake at night

unsure what I should do,

swimming through my thoughts

yeah, all the worries of the day.

I guess I like the solitude,

although I’m feeling blue

there in the quiet moonlight

softly, God opens the way.


In dim of night he reassures,

a peace rests in the air.

The things I want to worry of,

they simply melt away,

replaced by visions of what most times

I am unaware.

It makes me want transcend time

and in that moment stay.


But soon it’s time for sleep,

in parting, God assures one thing -

that amidst all the toil and strife

he’ll be returning soon.

I drift off without care of what

the next day’s going bring,

blessed by what I felt and learned…

by the light of the moon.


inspirationup at night

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Marla Joy

Sat 15th Feb 2025 20:55

Jeff, very peaceful and reassuring. And I love the use of the moonlight. Marla

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