The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 47 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.


Over and over I hear words bubbling up in my head

    I dunno what they mean, they say

I love you 

Within the Realm

Of All Things Possible


I keep wondering what they mean

I am grateful I am witing again, that is the one gift from you to me 

    Which I will keep with gratitude


Yet, There it is, There it comes, yes,



I thought it might be a poem I’d write

                                Or a song I’d hear

                              Or a man I’d meet

That would catapult me

                                              To finished land

Where i yearn to be

                                   I yearn to be done

             One way or the other

I’d prefer kisses & music & warmth & bodies & eyes & tangles & falling in love, deeply in love with him most admired of all beings, who wouldn't prefer that?

But it’s the neither I grow too weary of


Just as one drop of blood might transform a battered wife into an escapee who finds a fox family and a young motorcycle rider and love, just like that

                                                               can one tilt of your head on her shoulder


And I’m done

   Like a click

      A latch unlocked

       A gate opened outward

         A window clicking into open

           A cage whose bars melted with the heat of unheard fire


Seems you are less considerate that I at first thought

Perhaps rude or unaware

             Perhaps conniving or thickheaded

                          Perhaps dishonorable or defensive

Perhaps I picked you so I could be alone, perhaps I knew you wouldn’t

                                                                                               knew   I couldn’t, count on you


Within the realm of All Things Possible

            You are not in the Realm of anything possible


Love is without the realm


Perhaps you should not have done me quite like that

              Looks downright cruel

If it’s not,

         If you’ve tales to tell me,


Silence, mystery are not the high road

      It’s the only road in the play

Tis Pity She’s a Whore

        If that’s what you’re playing 


Only I’m not

       I’m blameless

My steps are secure, my head held high, my heart pure, my name clear

All is wiped clean, cold sweeps through and I am numb, I fear

I accept you have moved on, we had a fleeting chance, you choose youth, I see the allure

             I just liked you, unkind sir

              I only just admired you and called


You might sing again, outloud in my heart, no one will know, but I will, those images are mine, that you sang a soft answer and then skipped off the other way, without our say, leaving me silence only


                                                                So, with a quiet sigh,



So have i



◄ To Forgive Myself

Was I Won ►


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