The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 48 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.


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This ain't no charity.

This is a protest.


Supermarkets, hotels,

Eateries, coffeeshops

Make waste out of fresh & prepared

Food, tonnes, at day's end.


This ain't no church function.

This is a protest.


Bullets, assault rifles, tanks,

Aeroplanes, destroyer ships, bombs

Make far-away lands killing fields.

National budget spent mostly on this, forget homes.


This ain't no city programme.

This is a protest.


Hunger tends to exist

In the First World, too.

So food is recovered

From rotting as waste.


This ain't no welfare line.

This is a protest.


Ongoing against military build-up.

Gearing up for war, nights and days

Dining from empty plates, drinking from empty cups,

Sleeping on empty bellies, dreaming of a decent meal.


Revolution sometimes begins from

The bottom of a bowl.

Public space gets reclaimed.

That space becomes inclusive.

Fresh, prepared, free

Vegetarian food is shared with neighbours.


Afterwards, workers & poor alike leave

The corner with fuller bellies.

Hunger is much worse on the streets.

So some do what class society fails to do:


Feed the people.

Food to every fork.


This ain't no charity.

This is a protest.


W: 12.5.14


[ From the book The Mansion: Liberated Zones Inside The Controlled Inner City, Gnashing Teeth Publishing, 2025. ]



Food Not Bombshungerfooddirect actionanti-waranti-military




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