The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 48 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.


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March 2014:


The Thorn I knew

Still stands on Rose Street, off Market,

Across from Zuni's.


The shell, anyway.


The last technological

Gold Rush in the 2000s--

Biotech--changed parts of San Fran

And with them, my old squat.


1908 stable house--

A piece of obsolescence 

Attached to new school

Steel and blue glass opulence--Eight floors worth.


I wear black to recall

The loss of a home that kept me off the street,

That I wanted to provide to others in my situation,

A safe haven that was taken from me.

Remembering the loss of a home

I was forced out of.

A time to mourn. A moment for tears.


W: 3.14

[ From the book The Mansion: Liberated Zones Inside The Controlled Inner City, Gnashing Teeth Publishing, 2025. ]


Zuni's: High-priced Italian & French restaurant on Rose & Market Streets, Upper Market neighbourhood of San Francisco.


San Franciscosquatold stable housecondominiumseviction



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