She's not the problem
There is something particularly unnerving
when we exist in 2 places at once.
I find it incredibly discerting, we shapeshift to align with our lies.
We keep our name and compsure,
We walk with our little heads high,
But behind us is a trail of bodies
From those we sacrifices to live this life.
They were suffocated by screams,
we could have easily heard
But they were loud and ugly.
So I left them in the dirt.
Ocassionaly it gets messy,
then we find something new and shiny
That reminds us of who we used to be
before our hands were so bloody.
They see us with fresh eyes .
We play a pretty part and we mean it for a second
but then our old habits creep up on us
We fall into old patterns
I hear them call out occasionally
But the past is in the past
It's not worth my time.
Baby tells me "baby you're not the problem".
With her big doe eyes,
I left out a few pieces of the story.
But baby believes me,
For that i love her dearly,
I think i'll stay forever this time.
But then baby becomes another corpse I bury.
You could warn her but good old fashioned internalised misongony
Wins everytime.
Imagine if we believed women more
You could have spared her life.
Ray Miller
Wed 26th Feb 2025 13:09
Enjoyed the read and I can empathise to a degree. You need a spellchecker, though.