The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Time Lapse

entry picture

A soothing spectacle on screen:

A desertscape in lapsing time,

Where scenery - cactus, rocks, sand -

Never changes. The clocks tick on.

Though days flash by, time seems to freeze;

Sunrise repeats like gunfire.

Life seems eternal, unchanging,

The only obstacle being

Our usual human wear and tear.


Beyond, stormy seas of nonsense

Batter the crippled innocence

Of undefended coastal walls.

Here time will take its awful toll:

Hour by hour, played in full.


Strongmendystopiaangerreactionary forces

◄ Spare Change

Oval Office ►


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