The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Strongmen (Remove filter)

Time Lapse

A soothing spectacle on screen:

A desertscape in lapsing time,

Where scenery - cactus, rocks, sand -

Never changes. The clocks tick on.

Though days flash by, time seems to freeze;

Sunrise repeats like gunfire.

Life seems eternal, unchanging,

The only obstacle being

Our usual human wear and tear.


Beyond, stormy seas of nonsense

Batter the crippled innocence

Of ...

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Strongmendystopiaangerreactionary forces


It’s quite the fashion now to bash

Those journalists who seek the truth;

As years flow by, more are cut down,

Or languish, silenced, in their youth.


As humans they are fallible

And are rebuked for their mistakes,

But hard men seek to shut them up

When they play for the highest stakes,


And can’t afford to be faced with

Exposure through detailed research,

To ...

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Press FreedomStrongmenCensorship

Time of Swine

With their grunting and their oinking,

They parade around the pen.

For all their affectations,

They’re the angriest of men.

Their litany of grievances

Spawns shrill dishonest whine;

We’re living in the conman’s age,

This is the time of swine.


They soil your information

To camouflage their faults;

All traces of wrongdoing

Are locked deep down in vaults.


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Let’s hear it for these little men,

Let’s hear it for the pompous twits;

Let’s hear it for their backward views,

Their entourage of nasty shits.


Let’s join them turning back the clock

And pumping rubbish in the air;

Let's make sure their election day

Is anything but free and fair.


Give them the room to swagger on,

As they bash human rights and gays,

And stru...

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Ballot Box

With our hearty supermarket habits

And ways of democratic self-deceit,

We dodge the bullets to the ballot box,

Accepting our predictable defeat.


Brought up on true sportsmanship’s traditions,

We learn to take reverses on the chin.

We fight our corner and we know our rights;

We also know that we can never win.


In the eyes of those who hold the reins now,

There i...

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