The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 42 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Growing Old

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It feels like I’ve been around too long.

Every tune has become the same old song.

Every plight’s just a fight to no end

cuz there’s no way to win.


And I can’t help but notice as I’m growing old -

I believe less and less of what I’m told.

Cuz the world’s nothing more than

an endless round of spin.


Every voyage I take that’s pushed by sails

is another lap around to no avail.

Cuz I keep on ending up in the place

where I began.


And everything I once thought was marvelous

anymore, well I’m just not so damned impressed.

Cuz where I used to wonder now sadly, I understand.


But I guess it all comes with the territory,

as does the feeling - don’t bother me.

Cuz I’m fine spending time on my own

through the years of gold.


I’ll just let the world go its merry way.

I’m at peace inside at the end of the day.

Cuz that’s just how it is, I suppose…

when you get old.


aginggetting oldgrowing old

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Marla Joy

Fri 28th Feb 2025 17:52

Jeff, Do what you love and it will bring you joy. Nice poem.

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