The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.



I walked

these flint scatterd fields

when time was mine,

my stride more sure,

and, with hips in line,

inclines went unnoticed.

Freedom -

my ever-tempting lure

led me to this chalky down

where once,

amongst the gleaming

jag-edged flints,

sinewed ploughmen

walked with furrow-limps.

But in the deep and ancient pass

this land was water-washed

and sea-bed urchins called it home,

they, long since,

have turnded to stone.

How inconguously they lie

with iron-forged shoes and rusting nails,

while staring up at that same blue sky

that overarches all.


now here I am

gathering their small ancient forms


                                   they - - -

                                       who knew this world before man was man,

                                                                                        now lie at rest

                                                                                             in my protective hand.

A large undulating neighbouring field often turns up large old hand-forged iron horseshoes with hand made nails still attatched, countless broken pipe stems and parts of old tools, among all these artifacts are sea-urchin fossils that have lain there, untouched since the land heaved itself out of the sea becoming dry for ever.






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Tue 4th Mar 2025 11:03

To R.G. Mann, Hugh, Aisha, and Helene, I thought that was such an odd subject that no one would read it, but you did and even went so far as to like it. Thank you for that.

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Tue 4th Mar 2025 10:58

Thank you David your comment is greatly appreciated.

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David RL Moore

Sun 2nd Mar 2025 09:48

Hi Flyntland,

There are some great rhyme couplings here, I particularly like the term "furrow-limps" it is cleverly discriptive, immediately putting an image in my mind.

It is a humbling tool to remember how small we are in the great scheme of things and how endless our universe truly is, puts us in perspective.

David RL Moore

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Sun 2nd Mar 2025 09:11

Thank you to Tom D. and Holden for reading my slightly odd little poem and for liking it. I have several of these fossils in my hearth, now cleaned and polished. They are a reminder of what 'newcomers' to the world we are.

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